Tuesday 11 March 2008

Minutes of the Pre-Season Meeting 2008

Market Harborough & District Ladies Rounders League

Secretary – Marilyn Curtis

Minutes of the pre-season meeting 26.02.2008
The Wellington Suite, MH

Present Committee members - Jan, Flo, Min, Audrey, Pam, Linzi, Jess, Chris & Jack
Also present – Sue Handy & representatives from all teams apart from Naseby.

Jan told everyone that she had been given confirmation that we can have 3 pitches marked out on the Northampton Rd sports ground. She is also trying to negotiate with the Council to give us a fee-free year.

Teams present were asked to fill in their registration forms and give them in to Jan by the 24th March, so that we can get a discount from the NRA.

Rule Changes
Jan explained that we will be playing entirely to NRA Rules this coming season and Sue Handy explained the rules that will affect us the most. These being the half rounder rule (2nd post & beyond), and the 5 rounder rule. Some of the members said that they would like to have an umpire course arranged and therefore Sue is going to take a practical umpire session on Wednesday April 23rd (venue to be advised).

Any Other Business
It was decided that the “200 Club” will be taking place again this season due to it’s popularity.

Divisions It depends on how many teams enter the league this year as to whether there will be 2 or 3 divisions. If 15 teams enter there will be 3 divisions. If this is the case the leagues will be split into 3. The teams will be put into the order that they ended up at and split into 3 groups with the new team being put into Div 3. If however no new teams join then it will be done on the same format as previous years.

Jane Evans mentioned that her team “All Blacks” will be starting practicing on the first Tues evening following the clocks going back and then every Tues following that. She invited along any players wishing to join them.

Audrey distributed new balls for all teams

The meeting closed at 8.30pm..

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